Monday, August 27, 2007


It's still sort of surreal that I have a daughter and now tomorrow I begin classes at Sovereign Grace Pastor's College.
God has blessed us beyond what I ever imagined

Monday, August 20, 2007

New life

It is hard to explain the joy I felt when Ellie joined us. The day of her birth, the doctor came in and asked who was going to announce the sex of the baby (because we didn't know going in) and I quickly volunteered. When she came out and I announced to everyone that it was a girl, I broke down into tears. It is hard to put into words the joy I felt in that moment at God's blessing through this wonderful gift of a daughter.
Well, here are some pictures from that day

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Eleanor (Ellie) Rachel Martin

I can't put into words how amazing it feels to watch your first child be born!
More info to come with pics