Tuesday, July 8, 2008


As I watched a guy in the subway station sneak through the ticket lane [or as they call it in the city fare hopping], my first thought was anger, "Doesn't he see the signs everywhere telling us that's against the law? Doesn't he know that's going to cost us more money now so the law can go after people like that?" Then I realized, I break the Law all the time even though God give me clear signals and warnings that it's going to cost me. Like when I look down a sweet pair of shoes on another person and covet or when I desire sleep instead of reading Scripture putting myself before God.
Thanks be to God that His son's perfect obedience to the Law is transferred to me at salvation, without that I would be guilty a hundred times over.
So before we get angry at another breaking the law, we must ask ourselves where am I tempted or where I am right now a Law breaker?

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