I don't know about you, but perhaps there have been times when there were requests we made to God again and again and we wondered if He is ever going to answer. Prayers for the salvation of a loved one, requests for help or even victory in overcoming a recurring sin have been uttered again and again with no seeming response from our Heavenly Father. Recently, I have been reading Steve Miller's book, C.H. Spurgeon on Spiritual Leadership. In the book, Miller highlights the different aspects of Spurgeon's leadership. The first chapter describes Spurgeon's commitment to prayer personally and for ministry and I was particularly caught by these two quotes,
"Frequently the richest answers are not the speediest...A prayer may be all the longer on its voyage because it is bringing us a heavier freight of blessing. Delayed answers are not only trials of faith, but they give us an opportunity of honouring God by our steadfast confidence in Him under apparent repulses."
"God's answers have never come too soon nor yet too late."
Be encouraged today that if there are prayers that have been uttered 10, 100 or 1000 times, God has heard and He will answer in His perfect time and in His perfect way. He simply calls us as His children to trust Him and to call out to Him in dependence.
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
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