"Deep within the American psyche is the 1960's Romantic idea, originally from Emerson and Rousseau, that if something doesn't feel natural, it isn't real. We think spiritual things - if done right - should just flow. But if you have a disability, nothing flows, especially in the beginning."Paul A Miller, A Praying Life, 222
As we set out our deliberate prayers for the year, there can be this temptation to think that these things should just come naturally or that this work of change and growth is just too hard and too much work. As Miller describes in the context of using prayer tools, the disability we have as Christians is sin and thus everything related to holiness will come with work as we battle against the sin that remains in us.
But as we set out to grow in areas of prayer, encouragement, service and evangelism in the year ahead, remember two things
- The battle is proof that God is working in you as the Spirit wars against our sin in the pursuit of holiness
- Jesus through His death and resurrection gives us access to His strength and wisdom that will help us grow
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