Thursday, October 22, 2009

Declarations and Obligations Leading to Love

In their book Counsel from the Cross, Elyze Fitzpatrick and Dennis Johnson help us see how the Scriptures contain both elements of obligations and declarations. Both elements are helpful in particular when we think about Paul's call to accurate self-perception from Philippians 3:12-16.
Without a true understanding of the obligations at work in the Bible that the fact that every time we open God's Word, God is speaking and laying some claim on our lives. If we don't come with this perspective, aware of real obligations of obedience in the Christian life, we can become complacent and not see the call to press on and grow in our Christian walk.
However, the conversely can also be true. When we become aware of the obligations God sets before us, we can become more concerned and even consumed with our failure to live up to these commands.
This is where the gospel declarations become so important. In Philippians 3:12, Paul tells us that we can pursue God's call to press on because, "Jesus has made me His own."
We can pursue God because, through faith in His Son we receive strength to press on. But not just that, because we are owned by God through Christ, His Son's perfect obedience is placed on us and now God does not look at us through our faltering obedience, and instead looks at us and see His perfect Son.
The result in my heart is love for God, recognizing what He has done for me and this love then motivates me to obey Him more and more.
Biblical obligations are there and bring me to my knees as I see the real call to obedience but the gospel declarations build my love for God and keep me moving towards Him.

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