Went golfing today 60 on the front 9 and 49 on the back 9. The game is starting to come around.
Since I haven't posted in a couple of days, I will summarize Judges 10-18 and then post comments from today's devotions.
It is amazing to me how quick the Israelites are to turn away from God and worship other idols but before I sound condemning I am reminded that I am the same way. I set up all sorts of idols in my heart. This brings me to a place of being awestruck by God's mercy to Israel and me. In general, Judges and recent readings in the Psalms (Ps. 112) remind me that God blesses by His grace because we certainly don't earn these blessings.
The Psalms and today's reading (which I'll get to) portray God as being utterly unique and that grace is one mark of that holiness.
1 Corinthians is just such a great book about remembering the main thing and to not get sidetracked by following people, the world or our sin instead of Christ.
And now today's reading
Judges 19
A fresh reminder that our wickedness has consequences. I am glad, in fact humbled that these dire circumstances aren't always the result but it is a warning. Forgetting God cost Gibeah's concubine her life (rather gruesomely) and Ephraim's daughter and the horrific situation she went through.
Sin is horrible and this chapter highlights its results.
Psalm 116
God alone deserves our praise
The Lord preserves the simple (those who don't think too highly of themselves and try and figure everything out about God)
1 Corinthians 9
Surrender your rights and don't put a stumbling block in the way of the gospel. As we mature, we come to realize our freedoms in Christ and yet hopefully understand by the Spirit that our actions are being watched by other less mature Christians. It is a matter of laying down my life for God (cravings and desires that are not even wrong) for the gospel to bear fruit in others.
God wanted me to remember today that He called me when I was wicked, when I was off sinning horrifically in His sight and so the least I can do now is lay down my life (my rights) for Him.
May God bless you as you read His Word and are reminded of His living word today.
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
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