One thing I've decided for this blog is that I will post what God taught me/showed me from my reading in the one-year Bible plan. So, here goes.
Judges 4-5 /Psalm 108/Romans 11
Judges 4
The story of Deborah leading the Israelites out of bondage. The book of Judges is a cycle of Israel's disobedience and God's mercy. What is amazing to me is that God allowed / the Israelites put up with 20 years of opression and cruelty (4:3). It sure took them a long time to learn their lesson about what walking away from God looks like (aren't we so much like them)Here we learn to the shame of the men that there no righteous ones that God could use to lead them out of bondage so God used a woman.
Judges 5
Here we see the record of Deborah's and Barak's prophetic song reminding Israel of God's intervention, reminding them of why they were oppressed and finally that God lead them to victory (a lesson they and we need to be reminded of again and again, that God is the one bringing victory. We are so quick to take the credit and forget God)
Psalm 108
Simply put this psalm reminds us to exalt (magnifty, honour, praise) God for his faithfulness and steadfast love
Romans 11
This is a difficult chapter for many in understanding God's current relationship with the Israelites but I think one verse in the section can help us. In Romans 11:1 Paul pleads based on his example of being a Jew and yet coming to a place of belief in Jesus as Messiah. As a believer in reformed theology, I am reminded that when it comes to the Jews, the ones God has called from the beginning of time will come to that same belief that Paul came to.
I am also reminded in these verses that salvation is by grace (11:6) and so I'm reminded that I didn't deserve to be chosen and did nothing to earn my new righteous standing with God.
I hope these posts encourage you to read not just these posts but discover for yourself that God's Word is living and active and desires to speak to you each time you open it, to guide you and help you through each day.
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
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