Paul gave his prodigy Timothy some very wise counsel that we would do well to listen to today. Paul warned Timothy that a day was coming and I believe that day is here today where people would turn away from the truth and instead follow after teachers that would "tickle" their ears, telling them what they want to hear and follow after teachers that suit their own passions. These teachings Paul warned would be myths and false teachings that would lead people to be lovers of self, proud, arrogant among other things and yet would have the appearance of godliness.
And so what did Paul tell Timothy to do?
Cling to God's Word, the Scriptures breathed out by God and the simple, clear message that it brings of sinners in need of salvation through God in the flesh (Jesus) who died to pay the punishment we deserved for our sins and then rose from the dead to in fact prove that He was who He said He was. This message isn't hidden or in need of being deciphered to find some hidden meaning. Instead it is this simple message that Timothy (and we) must cling to, so as to avoid being led away by myths and teachings that aim to change this message or disregard it altogether.
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
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