Ok, so it wasn't the next day...
The other side of what we learn and see in Romans is 1 Corinthians 1. There Paul says that the cross is foolish (moronic) to those who are lost. What we must wrestle with and understand because the Bible is clear, it is that until God opens someone's eyes to who Jesus really is, He, His life and death will remain foolish to them.
It is not in the philosophy of men, or academic knowledge or in anything of that nature that will allow people to come to an understanding of who Jesus is because until God does the work of lifting the veil from their eyes (2 Cor 4:3) Jesus just won't make sense.
God has revealed Himself in creation but the Bible is not simply about belief in God, it is the true story of God's redemptive history culmulating in Jesus.
My concern today is that there are people out there that are trying to make Jesus more accessable to people by changing the message of Christ or by changing who Jesus really was and is. And yet again Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians are clear that if Jesus is not God, if Jesus was not resurrected then the gospel is not powerful, in fact it is useless.
In saying all this, I am humbled that God would open my eyes to the gospel and echo the words of Paul in 1 Timothy 1:15, "...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost." Praise be to God that He has lifted the veil from the eyes of this sinner so that I might behold His ultimate love in the purpose of the cross.
Arrogance & Eloquence
10 hours ago
1 comment:
Thank you Zac for your great posts!
Anything can seem foolish if one lacks the vision to see its reality in existence.
The faithful one is the one that does not doubt an existence, but asks what needs to be overcome for that reality to be true within and without, and then overcomes that barrier.
Faith can be placed in many places, but where is the most faithful and the most true?
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